Monday, December 13, 2010

Promises to a Friend

Dear Friend,

I'm happy you are back in my life, and me back in yours. I'm heartbroken over your heartbreak and can only promise to never further the cracking. To see you in pain is painful, to see you hurting hurts me more than I can explain. Although I do not have a shared experience of your particular nightmare, I have had some of my own. And since I know that pain, it hurts me to know you feel it too. I know I can't take away your past, but as far as your present and future go, I hope that you allow me to be a real friend to you. It would be an honor. The honor would be mine.

I can promise that you always have someone to call at 3am when you are alone, scared, and shaking. I promise to always answer your call. I promise to be there for you, especially when you think nobody will be. 

Now that I am back in your life, and you in mine, I promise to be a positive force. I promise to make you feel special, smart, blessed, safe, irreplaceable. I promise to tell you that I think you are spectacular. That you are the bravest person I know. That you are the strongest person I know. That I am lucky to know you.

My friend you have not had enough joy. And I promise to see to it that you do from here on out. I promise to be in your corner. To make Tuesdays sparkle. To make you smile for nothing. I promise to make sure your wishes come true. I promise to remind you that life can be wonderful. And that you make mine wonderful just for being in mine. Just your presence. I promise to return that favor.

I promise to make your life exciting again. To bring in simple pleasures and random adventure. I promise to cherish your life and our friendship. I promise my friendship and promise to cherish the gift of yours.


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