Saturday, April 7, 2012

Get Outta My Way.

Sorry, dear readers, if you thought the header is aggressive. It wasn't meant to be- well not to you, anyhow. That would be me talking to me. Talking to myself. Talking to my bad thoughts and habits. Talking to all the things I do and think about that just get in my way. Little nasty things called doubt and fear that parade themselves in fancy garbs and call themselves protection. But I'm on to you skippers- I know just what you are. Little booby traps that get me into big trouble. Lil Buggers.

I'm on to you bugs. I know your selfish desires to keep me all to yourselves. Stopping me from moving forward and being who I know I am already. Crafty Bastards really. But no- no. I'm going to stop listening to you. Stop looking for things that aren't there. Keeping me guessing- stressed and strained- over nada. Nope- no sir. No more of your crazy lil voices and pulls to my back muscles. End of line nutters.

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